Along the Potomac river in Prince George's County in Maryland very close to the famous Woodrow Wilson bridge is the National Harbor, a 300 acre multi-use waterfront development. The visual attraction at the harbor is the carousal, 175 feet high on a pier extending into the Potomac river. The entire harbor is a visual treat both during the day and night, especially at the night with the lights reflecting on the river water, making the view delighting to the eye. But the walking on the river banks with Abbie during the golden hour made the evening more delightful than it would've been, especially considering I was taking her portraits and leaning more about her. She will be graduating high school soon and she is planning to go to college to get a degree in arts, specifically in photography. Her plan is to attend University of Southern California. She has the 'EYE' for photography, the persistence for learning, and grit to succeed. With all these necessary ingredients, it's should be a easy walk for her. Congrats, in advance, Abbie! portrait photographer