Leticia Santos
On a random day, I met Leticia painting her Mandalas at Compass coffee. I was on my way home and took a brief pause at this lively coffee shot in Northwest DC to say Hi to a few friends and there in the corner sat Leticia. I asked her if I could take some pictures of her painting and she agreed. Painting someone while they do what they are best at is the easiest task as a photographer. You don't have to direct them. Give pointers on how to pose, how to look at what they are doing, or get an emotion from them. The emotions are always on display. Like on that day, I didn't tell her to look at the painting with an ambiguous uncertainty, or deliberate affirmation, or poised conviction! She just put all of them because she was going through those emotions. To pick a color for specific circle, or a design for an overlap, she was thinking. And that made my job SO MUCH EASIER. Inspired from that mini shoot, she asked me to take more pics and here they are!
Find out more about her here