In one of the crazy happenings of the world, I had a chance to meet Vanessa. One day, scrolling through my new followers on Instagram, I saw "@theprimpysheet started following you". This usually doesn't happen to me, but I was interested. The Primpy Sheep? How about that? And I messaged her, like, 'Hey, I don't exactly remember meeting you, but thanks for following me. Can you jog my memory where we met?'. She replied, soon enough, that we didn't meet and she loved my work. Sure enough, I followed with my request to photograph her. We are 50 miles apart and we ended on, if-we-get-to-see-in-person we'll shoot. Though I met her in person at one of the events, I ended up not photographing her. Last week, totally out of the ordinary, she ended up in DC, for lunch, drinks, and dinner in DC and we took a stroll around Adams Morgan and I took her portraits. She works in Healthcare, providing support to companies how to build, market, and sell their products; she is a kickass blogger, writing about stuff in general and in particular all the same, and a fantastic model. She modeled for a fashion event in Baltimore a while ago. If that doesn't sell the point, the pictures above may... Hopefully! portrait photographer